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Lambton Centennial Public School
News Item

January 12 deadline to request change in learning program

January 04, 2021

​Families wishing to transfer students between face-to-face learning and Learn at Home (or vice versa) must notify their school by Tuesday, January 12 by noon (12 p.m.). 

Please contact your home school and provide the following information by phone or email: 

  • Student name;
  • Learning model choice (face-to-face instruction or Learn at Home); and
  • Phone number for school to follow-up.

Students participating in the Virtual Learn at Home Elementary or Secondary School should contact their home school location to request the change to face-to-face learning. 

Students transferring between program delivery (i.e. face-to-face learning or Learn at Home) will begin their new program type on Tuesday, February 2. Students moving between program delivery choice should anticipate changes in teacher(s).  

The Lambton Kent District School Board will attempt to accommodate requests earlier than the timelines for moving between program delivery models; however, this will vary from school-to-school and grade-by-grade and may not be possible. Transportation delays may also occur. 

Please note: No action is required for students who are remaining in the same learning model. 

Additional information and resources for parents/guardians is available here.


Lambton Centennial Public School
3823 Oil Heritage Rd, Petrolia, ON, N0N 1R0
Principal: Ann Johnston

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