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Lambton Centennial Public School
Homework Policy
Purpose of Homework
Teachers use homework to provide students with opportunities to reinforce new concepts, to show the teacher what the students know, and to learn if a concept needs to be retaught. It is not to be used for marking.  Assignments and projects are different from homework as they are marked, but substantial time will be given in class for these but some time may be needed at home.

Amount of Homework
The following are maximum times a student should spend on homework.

  • Kindergarten to Grade 3: 20-30 minutes
  • Grade 4-6: 30-40 minutes
  • Grade 7-8: 45-60 minutes
If your child is regularly spending more than this amount of time on homework, please contact the school to discuss with the teacher. There could be many reasons for this but  it is important to find out why you child needs more time for homework.

Responsibilites of:
  • Provide homework that relates to the curriculum, is challenging enough to promote student learning but not frustration (differentiated instruction), and an amount that is appropriate.
  • Use homework as a tool to help shape instruction by discovering what student know and don’t know. 
  • Use class time effectively. Students must participate in their own education during class time.
  • Complete any work not completed in class time.
  • Use time at home completing work effectively.
  • Tell the teacher when there was something in homework that was not understood (this is the basis of re-teaching). 
  • Make sure student is effectively using time at home for homework.
  • Assist student when possible to understand the homework.
  • If the amount or difficulty of homework is too great, contact the teacher to discuss and assist in changing the situation.
  • If a student does not have homework often, provide other learning experiences (reading, writing, discussion, math facts) for the student.  
"How To" Do Homework
Students should have a regular time and location to do homework as consistency reinforces learning. Students should do the work to see if a concept is understood. If there are a series of questions on a similar topic and a student does the first four and finds them easy, it might not be necessary to complete the next ones if the student feels the concept is understood. Students should attempt questions that are difficult or not understood. If the questions cannot be grasped, students should make a note of this to discuss with the teacher the next day, and then move on to the next question. The teacher will be able to see from what was attempted how much the student does understand. It might not be necessary to do all the questions…there is no need to spend time doing work that is already understood. 

What To Do If Your Child Doesn’t Have Homework:
If your child regularly completes all work in class, spend some time reading with/to your child. Write a letter or a grocery list. Do some math facts. You don’t have to be a bad student to become a better one, and if a student is purposely not bringing homework home, it will be learned that time will be spend doing homework whether it is from the school or parents, so the child will eventually start bringing the school work home. 

Homework After Absences:
Illness is not something students can avoid. If a student misses school because of illness the student is still expected to learn the concepts taught but does not need to get caught up on missed homework. Since assignments and projects are a long-term item and time is given in class, the students will still be expected to complete them.

If the student misses time for Parent Approved reasons (ex., vacation, hockey tournament), it is up to the teacher’s discretion if the student needs to make up missed homework. The concepts still need to be learned. Assignments and projects will still need to be completed.


Lambton Centennial Public School
3823 Oil Heritage Rd, Petrolia, ON, N0N 1R0
Principal: Ann Johnston

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