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Bright's Grove Public School
Message from the Principal
​​​Bright's Grove School students strive to be truthful, courageous, faithful and proud. They focus on developing their learning skills, attitudes, knowledge, values, and beliefs, while putting forth their best possible effort in the pursuit of academic excellence.

Our school colours are royal blue and gold. Our mascot is a bull dog. The nickname of the school team is "Bull Dogs".

Bright's Grove School's Vision and Mission Statement
  • our primary mission is to ensure that each child develops to his/her potential as a person.
  • our goal is the engagement of students, parents, staff and community members
  • our aim is to provide a caring, safe, stimulating environment which recognizes the individual student's uniqueness, provides opportunities to enhance a student's self-worth, and treats all students with dignity.
  • the school will provide opportunities for all students to acquire the basic skills, knowledge and character traits required for their life-long education.
  • through a variety of learning experiences students will be encouraged to develop physically, emotionally and academically.
  • students will be expected to assume responsibility for their behaviour and to be accountable for the development of their academic skills.
  • education is a partnership among students, staff, parents/guardians and the community.
  • students come first
  • school should be a fun and enjoyable place for everyone
  • students' needs will be met through inclusion and differentiated instruction
  • continuous improvement is not just a goal, but a philosophy
  • communication between students, staff and parents/guardians should be open, honest and easily accessible
  • pride in the school is promoted
  • appropriate behaviour is an expectation at all times
  • a "choices-responsibility-consequences" philosophy is used for behaviour



Bright's Grove Public School
2612 Hamilton Rd, Bright's Grove, ON, N0N 1C0
Principal: Nick Nienhuis

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