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A. A. Wright Public School
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LKDSB’s Parent Involvement Committee to host Nov. 17 virtual event on “Building Confidence”

October 29, 2020

​​The Lambton Kent District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee is hosting an event for parents/guardians featuring leadership and relationship expert and author Dr. Karyn Gordon. The presentation titled, “Building Confidence,” will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 7-8:30 p.m. 

Pre-registration for the online event is not required. Join the presentation at (password: LKDSB).

Learn three strategies parents/guardians can use to build their kids’ confidence for parents/guardians and educators (Grades K-12). The personal attitudes of kids and teens affect everything from their dating and friendships to their motivation and body image. In this keynote, Dr. Karyn Gordon​ will help parents/guardians understand the power of personal attitudes on the behavior of their kids and teens. More importantly, it will uncover what parents/guardians can do to ‘bridge the gap’ and help them build their confidence.

In this keynote, parents will learn:
  • How their child / teens’ confidence impacts every one of their choices and behaviors (i.e. peer pressure, friendships, risk-taking, communication, etc.);
  • How to inspire them to take responsibility, increasing confidence and reducing anxiety; and
  • Three simple strategies to ‘bridge the gap’ and start building their confidence.

Please see the attached poster for more information.


Click here to download a PDF version of the event poster.


A. A. Wright Public School
55 Elm Dr, Wallaceburg, ON, N8A 3M7
Principal: Kristin Murray

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