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News Item

Message to students, staff and parents/guardians from the LKDSB Chair and Director of Education

June 01, 2020

The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) is committed to championing anti-oppressive education, as a key strategic priority for the LKDSB moving forward. The recent and ongoing events of anti-Black racism in Canada and the United States highlight the importance of this work.

As educators, we are committed to ensuring our students feel safe within their schools. We call upon all of our educators to advocate for and promote equitable and inclusive learning and work environments, as well as denounce anti-Black racism in education.

We acknowledge the ongoing impacts of anti-Black racism in our communities, which cause harm, trauma, violence and the loss of Black lives. We know that the intersections of racism and other social and institutional inequalities result in the ongoing oppression and marginalization of the Black community. As an education system, we are committed to change and focusing on championing anti-oppressive education.

Our thoughts go out to students, parents/guardians, and community members who are impacted by the current and ongoing demonstrations of anti-Black racism in Canada and the United States. At the LKDSB, we understand our role in promoting and supporting anti-racism and anti-oppression in education. We encourage all staff, parents/guardians and students to review the LKDSB Equity and Inclusive Education Policy and Regulation.

The recent events highlight the importance of the work to address racism and hate, and to work together with our students, families and school communities to continue the work to support and promote equitable and inclusive education.

We know that many students may be experiencing difficulty at this time and within the current circumstances of remote learning, please be assured that supports are available. Should you have any concerns about personal or a student's well-being, we encourage you to contact your school directly to learn more about student supports that are available. Staff members are encouraged to access the Employee and Family Assistance Program.

Thank you for supporting safe, caring and inclusive learning environments for all of our students and staff members.


Jane Bryce

John Howitt
Director of Education​


Blenheim District High School
163 Chatham St South, PO Box 990, Blenheim, ON, N0P 1A0
Principal: Elsa Natvik

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