Message from the Principal

Welcome to Winston Churchill, home of the Bulldogs!

The staff and students at WC work hard to create an environment that includes all students and provides a safe and engaging learning atmosphere where all students can reach their full potential.

Students are challenged to build a growth mindset whereby they believe they will be successful, with practise, determination and a willingness to accept nothing but their best efforts.  A focus on Mindfulness allows students to be present in the moment, and teaches them to focus, manage stress, regulate their emotions and develop a positive outlook.  

At WC, we engage students in the classroom and help them build skills, including collaboration and team work, problem solving, communication, creativity,  self regulation, critical thinking, character development and citizenship.  We also promote a variety of extra curricular activities such as sports teams, leadership development, STEM activities, as well as special clubs throughout the year. 

We value the participation of our parents and community in creating life long learners where success is measured in each student striving to be their best in all areas of their life.