You must attend all classes unless officially excused. An absence without a parent's permission is a truancy. Habitual truancy may result in a suspension from school. Attendance is extremely important to student success. A warning will be issued on the first truancy. The parent/guardian may be contacted upon a second truancy. Suspension may take place upon further occurrences. Absences do not include school-sponsored activities or extended illness covered by home instruction.
Student attendance is recorded each period of the day. The first scheduled class information is used to generate daily attendance phone calls from the school to home. When a student is going to be away from school, parents/guardians are asked to call the school in advance to explain the student's absence. In the event that it is not done, the school?s attendance secretary will call home to get information pertaining to the student's absence. In circumstances when no home contact was possible, students must bring a note from home (parent/guardian) to explain their absence. Students will report to the office with this note upon arrival at school. The note should include the date(s) of absence and a parent/guardian signature. Teachers are always willing to help students catch up in the work that has been missed. It is, however, the responsibility of the student to catch up on all work missed during the absence.