Student Handbook

Help Yourself - Help Each Other

Resources and Supports for Tough Times 

Websites for Information, Support and Sharing:

Kids Help Phone - 1-800-668-6868

My Health Magazine

Mind Your Mind

Children's Mental Health Ontario

We R Kids

Where to Call:

Emergency - dial 911 or go to the nearest hospital

Find help in your community


C-K Children's - 519-352-0440

Victim Services - 519-436-6630

Canadian Mental Health - 519-436-6100

WAYS 24 hr. Crisis Line - 519-354-4095

Access Open Minds – 519-437-6329 ext. 6010


St. Clair and Youth Services - 519-337-3701

Victim Services - 519-344-8861

Canadian Mental Health - 519-337-5411

Sarnia Distress Line - 519-336-3000

Who You Can Speak to:

Parent, Relative, Trusted Adult, Counsellor, Social Worker, Public Health Nurse, Administrator, Teacher, Coach, Friend, Neighbour, Family Doctor

JMSS Panther Clubs and Teams 

Team Name  


Art After Hours 

All Year (every 2 weeks) 

Auto/Tech Club 

All Year 


February - April 

Boys Basketball 

November - March 

Girls Basketball  

September - November 

Basketball (House) 

All Year 


Oct. - Dec. and Feb. - May 

Cross Country 

September - November 


End November-March 

Drama Club 

All Year 

Gender and Sexuality Alliance 

All Year 


September- October 

Hair/Barbering Club 

All Year 

Boys Hockey 


Girls Soccer 

Late March - May 

Boys Soccer 

Late March - May 

Social Justice Group 

All Year 

Student Athletic Association 

All Year 

Student Council 

All Year 


September -October 

Track and Field 

March - June 

Trading Cards and Gaming 

All Year 

Girls Volleyball 

November - February 

Boys Volleyball 


JMSS Athletics ​​Program Goals:

●To offer a varied athletic program that allows student athletes an opportunity to participate.

● To provide a quality athletic program staffed with competent personnel.

● To develop the concept of team spirit among athletes, coaches and parents.

● To teach the fundamentals and techniques of each sport in a progressive, planned sequence appropriate for student-athletes at the high school level.

● To foster the positive aspects of competitive athletics.

● To provide opportunities for the development of citizenship.

Expectations and Standards for Student-Athletes

Participation in athletics at John McGregor Secondary School is a privilege available to all students. The school provides facilities, coaching and equipment. The school reserves the right to revoke or restrict the privilege of participation if a student fails to meet the expectations and standard as outlined in the Athletic Policy.  Athletic Policies are part of the athletic package parents fill out and sign when the student has been selected to participate on a team.


If a student feels he/she has been unfairly treated after consultation with their coach, he/she has the right to appeal to the John McGregor Advisory Committee. Please see the Athletic Director and a meeting will be scheduled. All decisions rendered by the John McGregor Athletic Committee are final. Please remember extra-curricular activities are a privilege, not a right.​

O.F.S.A.A Code of Behaviour for Spectators

● Cheer in a positive manner

● Respect officials' decision

● Do not interfere with the competition

● Keep off the playing area

● Be courteous and respectful

Failure to comply with this code of behaviour may lead to ejection from a game.​

Interschool Athletic Eligibility

Students must meet the following minimum course loads in order to compete on interschool teams:

● 1st yr. - 4th yr. - a minimum of 3 credits in the semester in which you wish to compete.

● 5th yr. - a minimum of 2 credits in the semester in which you wish to compete.

● Students in their 6th year are ineligible.

Transfer Students

If you are a new student to JMSS and previously attended another high school you are considered a transfer student. In order for you to participate in interschool athletics you must complete a transfer application form. Only students who meet very strict eligibility requirements will be allowed to participate. Application forms are available from the Program leader and should be completed as soon as possible.

John McGregor Secondary School Athletics Policy

The purpose of the extra-curricular athletic program at John McGregor Secondary School is to provide student-athletes with an enjoyable and challenging athletic environment, emphasizing the development of both physical skills and character. The program's aim is to invoke sportsmanship, a strong work ethic, a spirit of cooperation, leadership and those character traits inherent in being a team member; including commitment, integrity, loyalty, humility, maturity, operation and leadership. 

John McGregor Secondary School students have an opportunity to learn a great deal from their participation in interschool athletics; including lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and healthy lifestyles. The program plays an important part in assisting the individual student athlete in developing a healthy self-concept in addition to a healthy body and mind.

School Field Trips, Dances, Athletic Competitions

When you attend a school organized activity as a participant or a spectator you are still subject to school rules. These activities include dances at other schools and out of town games, tournaments or field trips. Misbehaviour at such events can result in suspensions. If you are suspended from J.M.S.S. you cannot participate in any of these activities.​

School Council

The School Council is an advisory panel consisting of parents, students, community representatives and school staff. Nominations for the representatives to JMSS's school council will be received during the first week of September. All nominees are invited to attend the September 13th meeting, where the 2017-2018 Council will be formed. The meeting will take place in the library at 6:30 p.m.

Student Council  & Student Athletic Association Executives

If interested in joining Student Council see Ms. Cazabon.  If interested in joining SAA see Mrs. Carleton.

Learning, Literacy & Leisure @ YOUR Library

The J.G. Quigley Library maintains its own collections and uses those of local public and other LKDSB school libraries to meet the research, literacy and leisure reading needs of McGregor students and staff.  Highlights include: 

  • Staff from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., including the schedule lunch break, Monday to Friday throughout the school year.

  • 24/7 access to the Library's collections, including One Search and an extensive Visual Catalog, via Destiny @  .  Choose John McGregor Secondary School from the list and log in using the same firstname.lastname/password combination that you use to log into the school's personal computers or laptops.  Individual or class orientations to Destiny are provided upon request.

  • Partnership with the Chatham Kent Public Library to access their databases using the JMSS library card number 3302171634 and the PIN 1740 (if requested).

  • Reader advisory services including featured collections, displays, Twitter posts and personal and peers' recommendations based on extensive reading from the Library's collections.

  • Building collections based on students' suggestions as funds permit.

  • Circulation of books, magazines and wireless devices (laptops and Chromebooks).

  • Supervision of student-driven activities and initiatives at lunch time.


● Lockers are provided for the use of books and clothing.

● Each student will be assigned a locker and must pay the rental charge of$5.00 to use the locker for the school year. Students must use and will be responsible for the contents and conditions of his/her assigned locker.

● Students MUST not switch or share lockers.

● Students are to use only the lock assigned to the locker. The combination of this lock must be on file in the office. Keep your locker closed and locked at all times. Lockers and locks are school property and must be maintained in good condition. You will be charged the replacement cost for missing locks. Report any damage to your locker to the office.

● The administration of the school reserves the right to examine any locker, at any time it is deemed necessary.

● Students should not bring large amounts of money or valuables to school. If this is occasionally unavoidable, valuables should be left in the school office and never in the change room during Physical Education periods.

● In order to maintain a quiet atmosphere in the classroom areas of the school, students should use their lockers only when classes are not in session.

● The school is not responsible for the replacement of any lost or stolen articles.

Lost Student Cards

Non-picture replacement cards are available in the main office at a cost of $2.00 each.

Alternative Learning Center (ALC)

As part of John McGregor's initiative to augment student success and improve student achievement, we have developed an alternative learning center. The purpose of this intervention program is to decrease disruptive student behaviour in classrooms and provide entry level counseling and academic support for students.

Lost and Found

All lost and found articles should be turned into the office, with the exception of gym equipment which is turned in to the physical education office. Please check here if you have lost anything. The school will not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items. Items will be retained in the office for one month after it is turned in and then will be given to charity.

Accidents & Accident Insurance

Students who are injured during the school day or while participating in a school activity must report the accident to the supervising teacher. The supervising teacher will be responsible for making sure the injury is addressed, according to Board procedures. Specifically, an Incident Report form (available in the main office) must be completed and reported to the Principal within 24 hours. The Student Insurance Plan (distributed in September) is designed to provide supplemental coverage to Health coverage and is recommended for all students, especially those who participate in competitive sports. All claims must be sent by the student directly to the insurance company (copy to Principal).

Public Health Nurse

The services offered by the Public Health Nurse at JMSS are to promote Healthy Living with the students, through individual confidential counseling and classroom teaching. The nurse also acts as a resource person to students and staff through consultation and by supplying information in health related topics. The Public Health Nurse is responsible for ensuring that all students are up to date with their vaccinations. Students not returning this information to the nurse will be suspended from the school under the Immunization of the School Pupils Act, 1990. A request to see the nurse can be made by leaving a message in the nurse's mailbox located in the main office. The nurse's office is also located in the main office where a monthly schedule designating days and times of the nurse's visits will be posted.

Student Services

The counseling staff of JMSS is here to help you. We manage the job keeping your school records accurate and up-to-date. We make connections for you with colleges, universities, apprenticeship branch, vocational training, summer school and correspondence courses. Most importantly, we provide the information you need to know before you make choices, such as what subjects to take or what job to train for, or whether you should go on to some alternate form of post-secondary education. Specifically, we are here to help you plan ahead by providing:

☺ Individual counseling about courses, careers, and personal matters.

☺ Group presentations about occupations and future education.

☺ Interest inventories to help you understand yourself.

☺ Information about jobs, colleges, universities, and other opportunities in life beyond high school.

☺ Resume writing.

☺ Current knowledge of the system in which you work as a student.  If you want to see a counselor, you should request an interview, just drop into Student Services at any time during the school day and complete a white "Request for Interview" card. The counselor you ask to see will send you a blue appointment slip, usually within two days. 

By now, you should know that our job is to provide you with up-to-date, accurate information related to occupations and education and with counseling on any concern you may have. We look forward to being of assistance to you.