Programs and Sports

Student Council
Errol Village Students' Council includes representatives from Grades 4 to 8 and is led by co-presidents from Grade 8. These representatives meet one to two times per month to organize student activities and voice students' opinions on a variety of school concerns.

Students in Grades 1-8 are encouraged to join the choir to develop their love and appreciation for music. Depending on the number of interested students, the choir may be divided into a Primary and Junior group. The students meet during lunch or recess to sing in a variety of genres and prepare for various events including school assemblies.


Building on Ukulele that is studied during Music class, students will have additional time to practice, learn and jam during scheduled lunch and/or recess sessions.

Each school year, opportunities will exist for students to explore the Dramatic Arts. These opportunities may include a Talent Show, Dramatic Production (Play, Musical) or other event.

Environmental Club
This group of students brings awareness to a variety of environmental issues through school initiatives and school-wide events. Meetings occur a few times each month during lunch.

Art Club
Students are guided in specific themes, and learn and practice various skillsSessions for Grades 4-6 run periodically during recess.

Lego Club
Creativity and collaboration are developed by students as they work together to identify and complete projects of various themes. Sessions for Grades 4-6 run periodically during lunch.


Inter-school Sports:

Lunchtime League Sports:

Students in Grades 5-8 are eligible to try out for school team sports throughout the year. Sports include:

Various age appropriate sports and activities are offered during lunch and include:

  • Cross-Country, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Field

  • Soccer, Newcombe, Volleyball, Primary Indoor Soccer, Basketball, Free Throw, Dodge Ball