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Queen Elizabeth II Public School - Petrolia
News Item

Message on behalf of Director John Howitt

September 03, 2019


Welcome back for the 2019-2020 school year! I hope you had an opportunity to relax this summer with family and friends. I am excited to begin as Director of Education and I look forward to visiting schools and meeting students, staff and families as I learn more about our unique school communities.

Throughout the summer there has been a lot of activity across the LKDSB, as many schools received upgrades and renovations. We appreciate the efforts of our education workers, teachers, administrators and Board Office staff to ready our schools, resources and the system for the 2019-2020 school year.

The LKDSB believes student success is achieved through shared responsibility of students, staff, families, community and First Nation partners. Throughout the school year, I encourage you to take an active role in your child's education. Contact your school if you have any questions or would like to get involved in volunteer opportunities.

As I begin my entry plan, I am meeting with staff, parents/guardians, students, Trustees, local First Nation representatives and other community partners, as we all share a vision to support student learning, well-being and inclusive education. We continue to move forward with Ministry of Education priorities and will build on our strengths with a focus on the Lambton Kent District School Board's mission, vision, belief statements and engagement model.

Due to ongoing declining enrolment, changes in class sizes and funding restraints, some schools may be staffed differently than previous years. As well, contracts for all education unions expired August 31, which will be an ongoing focus for the Ministry and Board moving forward. Notwithstanding these challenges, our staff is dedicated to supporting students' academic achievements and providing positive learning environments.

I also share this commitment to putting students first, as well as listening and learning from parents/guardians, staff and school communities to better understand the system needs and key priorities for the LKDSB moving forward.

I look forward to working with you, Fostering Success for Every Student Every Day.

Have a wonderful start to the school year.

John Howitt
Lambton Kent District School Board​


Queen Elizabeth II Public School - Petrolia
4079 Maple Street, Petrolia, ON, N0N 1R0
Principal: Ryan Myers

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