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Dresden Area Central School
News Item

COVID-19 Vaccine Available for Youth Ages 12-17

May 28, 2021

​Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Please see the attached letter from the Medical Officers of Health for Chatham-Kent and Lambton County below regarding the availability of vaccines for youth ages 12-17. A fact sheet from the Government of Ontario is also attached.

Should you have specific health-related questions, please contact your local Public Health unit or health care provider.

Please visit the LKDSB website ( regularly for up-to-date information.

John Howitt
Director of Education

Click here to read the Public Health letter to parents/guardians

Click here for the Child and Youth COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet


Dresden Area Central School
941 North St, Dresden, ON, N0P 1M0
Principal: Melissa Holmes
Bus Zone: 5, 6, 7BUS STATUS

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