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Cathcart Boulevard Public School
News Item

Munch - A - Lunch

August 24, 2017


September, 2017

Dear Parents or Guardians,

Munch-A-Lunch orders will be offered online once again this year. Please read the following carefully as there is important information listed below. All hot lunch and milk orders can be made using the Munch-A-Lunch online system however payment is still made through the school via cheque and is due by the end of the school day on the last day of orders. For example our first order is due on the 20th of the month payment is due no later than 3:10 p.m. that day or the order will be deleted from the system. We will not be accepting late orders or payments as processing orders for more than 540 students is very time consuming and late orders/payments make this very difficult.


Ordering hot lunch and milk orders will take place 3 times this year. Order windows are as follows:


Sept 13-20

Nov 15 – 22

Feb 21 – 28


A flyer will be sent home on the first day of orders as well as:

*     All Munch-A-Lunch order dates will be posted on our Facebook page - Cathcart Parents Association

*     Posted on school website

*     Teachers make announcements in classrooms and during morning announcements

*     If you know you will be away during an order week please contact us through the contact tab on the Munch-A-Lunch website

*     Remember that no late orders/payments will be accepted


If you had an account last year everything will remain the same, simply log in update your child’s class information and place your order. If you are new to Munch-A-Lunch please follow the steps listed on the back of this letter.


If you have any questions please email us at or call the school 519-542-5651.

We are always looking for volunteers to help on hot lunch days or to shop for juice. Send us an email or click the volunteer tab and choose the day you are available.


Thank you for your orders! Your orders help us purchase things such as bikes for the kindergarten yards, playground equipment, technology for the classroom and much more!


Thank you,


The Cathcart Parent Association


To order go to:


Login or Register:


1) If you have already registered, click the “Login Here” button, click “My Family” choose “My Children” and edit their classroom information then click the green ,“Order Lunch!” button


If you haven’t registered complete the following steps:


2) Click the “Register Here” button. The system will guide you through the steps needed.


3) After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order




*     If you need assistance with ordering, or do not have access to the internet, please call the school: 519-542-5651 or contact:


PAYMENT INFORMATION: we are unable to accept online payments at this time.


*     Send ONE cheque per family for all orders to school once you have completed your order online.


Be sure to include:


*    Your child/children’s name(s)

*    Your order number(s)


Orders/Payments Due by 3:10 p.m. on the last day of the ordering window


Cathcart Boulevard Public School
1219 Cathcart Blvd, Sarnia, ON, N7S 2H7
Principal: Eryn Smit
Vice Principal: Tabetha Core

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