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LKDSB Raising Awareness about Bullying Nov. 19-23

November 19, 2018


The Lambton Kent District School Board is participating in Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week, November 19-23, 2018 to help promote safe, welcoming and inclusive learning and work environments.

During this week, students, staff and parents are encouraged to learn more about bullying and its effect on student learning and well-being.

Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent, and aggressive behaviour that occurs in a context of a real or perceived imbalance of power between individuals. Bullying can be represented in various forms – physical, verbal, social and electronic. This behavior has a negative impact on a student's well-being and ability to learn, and compromises the overall school climate.

LKDSB schools, with support from LKDSB's Safe Schools and Multi-Disciplinary teams, will be participating in a variety of activities to promote bullying awareness and prevention. Many schools across the LKDSB will be displaying positive messaging in classrooms and public spaces, and host assemblies focused on anti-bullying.

"The LKDSB is committed to ensuring all students, staff, parents/guardians and visitors feel safe and welcome in our schools and workplaces," said Director Jim Costello. "Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of these core values, as a positive school climate is fundamental to ensuring students' success."

Additional information about Bully Awareness and Prevention Week is available at

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For additional information contact:
Elizabeth Hudie, Chair of the Board, 519-542-0939
Jim Costello, Director of Education, 519-336-1500, Ext 31297
Gary Girardi, Superintendent of Education – Capital Planning & Accommodation, 519-336-1500, Ext. 31486

For reference information contact:
Heather Hughes, Public Relations Officer, 519-336-1500, Ext. 31262
November 19, 2018


Northern Collegiate Institute & Vocational School
940 Michigan Ave, Sarnia, ON, N7S 2B1
Principal: Melissa Mallette
Vice Principal: Marty Passmore
Vice Principal: Nathan Jeffrey

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