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Naahii Ridge Public School
News Item

Message from Director Howitt regarding an update on contract negotiations

September 26, 2019

​Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) has been notified that members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 1238 will join their colleagues across the province in a legal strike, which includes a partial withdrawal of services, effective Monday, September 30, 2019. However, contract negotiations between the Ministry of Education, the Ontario Public School Boards' Association and CUPE are scheduled this weekend and we remain hopeful that a negotiated settlement can be reached.​

CUPE represents a number of education workers in our schools, including secretaries, custodians, educational assistants, early childhood educators and computer technicians.

The LKDSB is working with CUPE Local 1238 to determine exactly how the strike will impact our schools.

Please be assured that student safety remains the top priority for the LKDSB. All schools will be open to students on September 30, 2019; however, some services may be limited. We regret any disruption that may occur and appreciate that alternative arrangements may need to be made for some students.

The LKDSB is taking measures to ensure the educational impact on students is minimized. LKDSB Senior Administration, Principals and Vice-Principals will work together with staff to maintain caring, safe and positive school environments for students.

We understand this can create some uncertainty within schools and Senior Administration is closely watching the provincial negotiation processes for all of our union groups. Contracts for all education unions expired August 31, 2019.

Thank you for your patience and support through this process. Please visit the LKDSB website for up-to-date information regarding contract negotiations for all union groups.


John Howitt
Director of Education

Download a PDF copy of Director Howitt's letter: Sept26_Parent_Guardian_Letter.pdf


Naahii Ridge Public School
20473 Victoria Rd, Ridgetown, ON, N0P 2C0
Principal: Erin Van De Wiele
Bus Zones :6 ,7BUS STATUS

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