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Merlin Area Public School
News Item

Important message from Director Jim Costello

April 06, 2018

​Dear Parents & Guardians,

I am writing to update you on the recent social media posts regarding an alleged threat to student and staff safety at our schools. The Lambton Kent District School Board takes all alleged threats to students and staff safety seriously and have responded accordingly to ensure student and staff safety.

We have been working with local police and other school boards throughout the week, upon notification of this situation. The investigation determined this social media post is related to a school in a different school board district; however, we understand the unsettling nature of the dissemination of these social media posts in our local community. The inappropriate distribution of such information also has a direct impact on our school climate and student achievement.

It is concerning that our staff, students and broader community have been victimized by these social media posts alleging threats of violence. As always, these types of situations will be fully investigated and disciplinary action will be taken as necessary. This may include suspension and/or expulsion. To be clear, the Lambton Kent District School Board takes the safety of our students and staff seriously and any inappropriate use of social media while on or off school property, either during the school day or outside it, that has a negative impact on school climate will be dealt with accordingly.

We appreciate the support of our local police services in these investigations. Moving forward, we encourage parents and guardians to have ongoing conversations with their children about personal safety strategies and responsible digital citizenship. In addition, our teachers address the topic of personal safety with our students in age-appropriate ways as part of the Ontario curriculum.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your school principal.

I encourage you to read the following media releases from Chatham-Kent Police Service and Sarnia Police Service for further information about this topic.

Chatham-Kent Police Service:
Sarnia Police Service:

We appreciate your support and encourage you to be vigilant. Should you see or hear anything that causes you concern, please report it to the police. We believe in working collaboratively to ensure a safe and caring learning environment for all.


Jim Costello
Director of Education
Lambton Kent District School Board

Download a PDF copy of Director Costello's letter: April6_LKDSB_Directors_Letter.pdf


Merlin Area Public School
21184 Erie St N, Merlin, ON, N0P 1W0
Principal: Harmony Queen Munroe

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