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King George VI Public School - Chatham
News Item

LKDSB Celebrates Education Week May 1-5

May 01, 2023


Education Week 2023

We invite you to visit our schools as they celebrate Education Week May 1-5, 2023. 

Education Week Message from Director John Howitt 

The Ministry of Education has declared the week of May 1-5, 2023 as Education Week across Ontario. The Lambton Kent District School Board's (LKDSB) theme for this year's celebration is: ​

Reconnecting with Communities 

Through events and activities held during Education Week (May 1-5, 2023), we will be providing opportunities to engage with our school communities. Our schools are vibrant, inclusive and supportive environments for youth to thrive and we benefit from the knowledge and experience Elders, community members and volunteers bring to our classrooms, support services and activities.

We encourage you to view the information and resources available through the Parent/Guardian ResourcesIndigenous EducationEquity and Inclusive EducationMental Health and Well-being websites or contact your child's school for additional information. 

On behalf of our trustees, administrators, teachers and staff, we invite you to connect with your local school community and engage in activities throughout the school year to learn about the inclusive and supportive learning opportunities which occur in LKDSB's elementary and secondary schools every day. 

John Howitt ​



King George VI Public School - Chatham
227 Delaware Ave, Chatham, ON, N7L 2W5
Principal: Danielle Maryschak
Vice Principal:Ashely Druer

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