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Indian Creek Road Public School
News Item

Wishing students and families a healthy and safe summer!

June 29, 2021


Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Thank you for your support throughout the 2020-2021 school year. To all parents and guardians, thank you for being partners in education as we faced challenges and celebrated successes with transitioning between in-person and remote learning, or supporting your child enrolled in virtual learning this year. This school year has been like none other, and we appreciate all of the efforts of parents and guardians to support student achievement and well-being.

Click here to watch a message to parents/guardians and students from Director John Howitt.

The summer is an opportunity for rest and rejuvenation. Rest assured - planning is already underway for a safe return to in-person learning in September. We are anticipating updates from the Ministry of Education in July regarding final plans for a safe reopening, which will allow us to finalize our plans for the safe operation of schools. We expect to provide staff, students, and families with the final reopening plans in August, which will be distributed as per our typical means of communication. You can also visit the LKDSB website at for information.

We recognize the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted many challenges for students and families and we encourage you to review the mental health supports available for LKDSB students during the summer and throughout the school year. Visit the Mental Health link on the LKDSB website for resources and information, or to access support from a LKDSB Mental Health Professional.

As we plan for the 2021-2022 school year, LKDSB remains focused on decision-making that puts students first, while ensuring the safety and well-being of all. We are proud of the efforts of our staff this past year to support students and we look forward to starting the next school year with a renewed focus on our Strategic Priorities and supporting student success and well-being.

Have a safe and wonderful summer!​


Indian Creek Road Public School
511 Indian Creek Rd W, Chatham, ON, N7M 0P5
Principal: Josh Alward
Vice Principal: Sonya DeNaeyer-Louzon
Bus Zones :7, 8BUS STATUS

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