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Indian Creek Road Public School
News Item

COVID-19 Update - March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020

​Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Today marks the first day of the school closures following the March Break. We understand that this is an unprecedented time and appreciate your support as we work through this process together.

As we all work together to flatten the curve and practice social distancing, we recognize that this may create some challenges for families as we adapt to this evolving situation. Please see the letter to parents/guardians from Ontario Minister of Education Stephen Lecce:

English version
French version

Please note that the Minister's letter attached and linked above was written before the Ontario Premier announced in a press conference today that the provincial government has ordered the mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces effective as of Tuesday, March 24 at 11:59 p.m. This closure will be in effect for 14 days with the possibility of extending this order as the situation evolves. The Premier also stated that it is unlikely schools will reopen on April 6. The Minister of Education is expected to provide further information in the coming days. Further communications as it relates to the education sector will be shared as more information becomes available.

Supports for student mental health and well-being

We understand that students may have several questions about COVID-19, as they are exposed to conversations and media reports. In order to support parents/guardians with discussing COVID-19 with children and youth, please see the following resources:

Learn at Home

As noted in the Minister of Education's letter, the Ontario government has launched a Learn at Home online portal with resources for elementary and secondary students to practice math and literacy skills at home while schools are closed due to COVID-19.

These resources do not replace what students have been learning at school; however, the Kindergarten to Grade 12 online learning resources may support students' learning at home during the COVID-19 school closure period.

Additionally, some teaching staff may use their online learning tools to support student learning from March 23-April 5; however, please note this would not be part of any student assessment. Planning has begun to provide continuity of learning, should the school closures be extended beyond April 5, and further communication will follow in the coming days and weeks.

Click here for additional elementary online learning resources.

Secondary online learning resources will be posted to the LKDSB website later this week.

Supporting the health and well-being of our families and communities

The LKDSB continues to gather information and will follow directions from the Ministry of Education, local and provincial public health officials, the Public Health Agency of Canada and our Pandemic Influenza Protocol/Plan regarding the plan for the return to school. The LKDSB will provide updates as soon as new information becomes available.

As per the Pandemic Influenza Protocol/Plan, the LKDSB's Emergency Response Control Committee has implemented Stage 2 of the plan (due to local spread of COVID-19) and continues to meet regularly to assess the situation and provide updates.

As a reminder, if you have returned to Canada from travel (including the United States) in the last 14 days, you need to self-isolate at home. It is recommended that those who have been exposed to those who have travelled also respect the 14-day period after March Break by not putting themselves in a position to contract or spread COVID-19.  Everyone else is asked to continue to practice social distancing.  Being diligent with these measures will support the goal of flattening the curve and supporting the health and safety of school communities when they reopen.

For further information and the most up-to-date announcements regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit:

All LKDSB updates regarding COVID-19 will be posted on this webpage.

We appreciate your ongoing support in promoting the overall health and well-being of students, staff and families.

Please visit the LKDSB website ( regularly for up-to-date information.

John Howitt
Director of Education


Indian Creek Road Public School
511 Indian Creek Rd W, Chatham, ON, N7M 0P5
Principal: Josh Alward
Vice Principal: Sonya DeNaeyer-Louzon
Bus Zones :7, 8BUS STATUS

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