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Harwich Raleigh Public School
News Item

LKDSB Recognizes Treaties Recognition Week November 6-12

November 07, 2022

​The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) commemorates Treaties Recognition Week from November 6-12, joining school boards across the province in promoting education and awareness of treaty rights and relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.

Treaties Recognition Week is an annual event to recognize the history of treaty rights and why treaties matter. With the support of the LKDSB Indigenous Education Team, staff and students engage in curriculum activities throughout the school year around the importance of treaties and our obligations to honour the original promises of the land.

“The LKDSB works with Indigenous communities throughout the school year to provide educational opportunities that honour the cultures of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit people," said Director John Howitt. “Treaties Recognition Week is part of ongoing conversations in our classrooms around Indigenous histories and relationships. This week provides another opportunity for us to deepen our knowledge and take action towards truth and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples."

The LKDSB recognizes the traditional land of Aamjiwnaang First Nation, Eelŭnaapéewi Lahkéewiit (Delaware Nation), Kettle & Stony Point First Nation, and Walpole Island First Nation – Bkejwanong Territory. We acknowledge that the Chippewa, Odawa, Potawatomi known as the Anishinaabeg and the Delaware known as Lunaapeew inhabited these lands at the time of the written treaties, these being Treaty #2, Treaty #7 and Treaty #29. The LKDSB appreciates the support and partnership of First Nations to collectively promote education and mutual understanding of Indigenous rights and perspectives.

For more information about LKDSB Indigenous Education, visit the LKDSB website:


For additional information contact:

Randy Campbell, Chair of the Board, (226) 996-9717
John Howitt, Director of Education, (519) 336-1500 Ext 31297
Helen Lane, Superintendent of Education – Indigenous Education/Equity, Diversity & Inclusion/
International Education, (519) 336-1500 Ext 31263

For reference information contact:

Heather Hughes, Public Relations Officer, (519) 336-1500 Ext 31262


Harwich Raleigh Public School
231 Chatham St S, Blenheim, ON, N0P 1A0
Principal: Heather VanderPol

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