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Lambton Centennial Public School
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COVID-19 Update - March 26, 2020

March 26, 2020

​Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

We hope that you and your family are well and staying connected through these unprecedented times. We understand that many families are facing unique challenges and we remain committed to support success and well-being of our students.

As you are aware, the Ontario Ministry of Education has closed schools as a proactive measure in response to the emergence in Ontario of COVID-19. From March 23-April 5, we know that families are adjusting to the changes and focusing on staying at home and practicing social distancing to reduce contracting and spreading COVID-19. While the health and well-being of your family is your primary focus at this time, those interested in continuing your child's learning may access resources through the Ministry of Education's Learn at Home online portal. Additional elementary learning resources curated by LKDSB staff are available here. A list of secondary resources curated by LKDSB staff is available here. Many of our educators are reaching out to students and families as per your typical means of communication to check in and connect with students. Additionally, teaching staff may use their online learning tools to support student learning from March 23-April 5; however, please note this is not required and would not be part of any student assessment.

Moving forward, the Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) is actively planning to ensure students will be able to continue their learning if the current closure is extended beyond April 5. We want to hear from you and your input will inform our plans moving forward.

The LKDSB has created a Thoughtexchange online engagement process to collect information from parents/guardians on the following question:

What does the LKDSB need to consider when supporting learning for students during the school closure?

Your participation is voluntary, and your personal information will not be shared publicly. You will then have the opportunity to read the thoughts of others and assign stars based on how much you agree or disagree with the statements. This will help us determine the ideas that are most important to the group. You can continue to share thoughts and star the thoughts of others as long as the Thoughtexchange is open. The Thoughtexchange will close on Wednesday, April 1, 2020.

Click here to begin the Thoughtexchange.

Thanks in advance for your participation. Your valuable input will assist with our planning to support the continuity of student learning.

Support for Students

We understand that the constant and evolving news about COVID-19 can be stressful and can create heightened uncertainty for students and families. The LKDSB remains committed to supporting students' success and well-being. We are also encouraged by the support demonstrated by various levels of government, local, provincial and federal Public Health agencies to create a collective response in Canada and around the world to work together and offer support to one another. Click here for some mental health resources to support families with discussions about COVID-19 and related challenges, as well as supporting personal resiliency.

Notice: LKDSB playground equipment is closed

In an attempt to curb the spread of the virus and to protect public health, the Lambton Kent District School Board is requesting that members of the public avoid using any of our school playground equipment. This remains in effect during the Ontario Minister of Education ordered COVID-19 school closures. Equipment cannot be properly sanitized at this time.

Please visit the LKDSB website ( regularly for up-to-date information about COVID-19, as well as information and resources for parents/guardians to support students during the school closure period.

John Howitt
Director of Education


Lambton Centennial Public School
3823 Oil Heritage Rd, Petrolia, ON, N0N 1R0
Principal: Ann Johnston

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