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Greenhouse Plant Sale Begins May 1st while quantities last.

April 12, 2017
Open from 8 am - to 9:30 am and during lunch 10:43 am to 11:30 am

Our greenhouse is once again full to capacity and we are looking forward to the arrival of outdoor gardening weather and our annual Mother’s Day weekend plant sale. Last year’s sale was an overwhelming success, and we anticipate an equally robust turnout this year. Those eager to get started early are encouraged to come in advance and select from a wide variety of vegetables, annual bedding plants, tropicals, hanging baskets and decorative planters.

Our green industries classes are proud to partner with Naahii Ridge public school students this spring to build a TD Friends of the Environment funded vegetable garden. Planter boxes and other fixtures are presently being constructed by our grade 9 technology students and garden work will commence soon at both the elementary and high school sites.

Other projects to be undertaken this spring include partnering with the IODE to clean up the cenotaph grounds and prune the adjacent shrubs. With so much on the go, we also hope to assist with the redevelopment of a Victorian garden at the Ridgehouse museum this season and continuing in the fall.

Bryan Ferguson


Ridgetown District High School
9 Harold St N, Ridgetown, ON, N0P 2C0
Principal: Bernadette Bruette
Bus Zones: 6, 7BUS STATUS

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