Day 1 Date Time
Period A Friday, January 26 8:15 Start
Period B Monday, January 29 8:15 Start
E-learn Monday, January 29 11:30 Start
Period C Tuesday, January 30 8:15 Start
Period D Wednesday, January 31 8:15 Start
Bus Cancellation Back-Up Date: Thursday, February 1
Examination Notes:
1. All exams will be written in the room where the subject is normally taught.
2. All textbooks and library books are to be turned in or paid for before exams are written.
3. Students absent from an examination due to illness or other unavoidable reasons should have their parents call the school prior to the time scheduled for the exam. A medical certificate or a reason acceptable to the principal must be provided or a mark of zero will be given for an exam not written.
4. The Inclement Weather Policy
●In the event that inclement weather forces the cancellation of buses in any of Zones 5 through 8; exams at all
Chatham-Kent secondary schools will be cancelled for the day and the exam schedule will be pushed back one day.
●In the event that fog causes a disruption to transportation in any of Zones 5 through 8; exams at all
Chatham-Kent secondary schools will be delayed for two hours.
●In the event of fog, buses for secondary students in the affected zone(s) will be operated at a two hour delay
and exams will proceed with a two hour delayed start time. If conditions do not improve, the delayed secondary
routes will be cancelled and exams cancelled for the day. A decision will be made and posted by 6:30 a.m. if buses
are to be operated.
●All buses will run at the end of the day, as normal.
5. Classes on last day of semester - If buses are cancelled due to inclement weather on the last day
of the semester, Thursday, January 25, 2018 exams will begin on Friday, January 26, 2018 as
6. When students have finished writing an exam they must go to the study area (cafeteria) or leave the school. Do not loiter in hallways. The Library is scheduled for exams and is unavailable.
7. All students must remain in exam room for a minimum of 1¼ hours. Students are to initial beside their name on the attendance sheet.
8. Length of exams: Grade 9/10: Maximum 2 hours Grade 11/12: Maximum 2 1/2 hours
9. Cafeteria will be closed effective Friday, January 26, 2018.
10. PD Day – Friday, February 2, 2018. First Day of semester 2 is Monday February 5, 2018.
11. Exam pick-up is Monday, February 5, 2018. The daily schedule will be slightly revised to include the exam pick-up time.