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LKDSB Seeking Parent/Guardian Input to Plan for 2020-2021 School Year

July 30, 2020

​The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) is looking to gather information from parents/guardians regarding plans for the reopening of schools in September.

Today, Minister of Education Stephen Lecce has directed that LKDSB elementary and secondary schools will reopen in September with a return to full-time, in-class learning with enhanced safety measures. Read the provincial announcement here​. The LKDSB has been planning for this possibility and is working in collaboration with Lambton and Chatham-Kent Medical Officers of Health, to develop measures which promote the health, safety and well-being of all students and staff.

In order to support planning for the 2020-2021 school year, the LKDSB is looking to gather important feedback from families about their intentions regarding the return to school in September. The LKDSB has developed a survey. The question is simply this:

The Minister of Education has directed that elementary and secondary schools in the Lambton Kent District School Board will reopen in September with full-time, in person classroom learning, with enhanced safety measures. Will your child:

  • Return to school for in-person classroom learning; or
  • Participate in online teacher-led learning at home.

After August 28, there will be limited opportunities within the school year for parents/guardians to switch their child's school experience from electronic to face-to-face instruction. Families must notify the school in advance and there will be a waiting period prior to their child's admission to school, depending on scheduling and availability of classroom space.

The survey link will be emailed directly to parents/guardians this week using an email address on file. LKDSB parents/guardians who do not have an email address on file should contact their school principal. Visit the home page for the list of elementary and secondary schools.  Parents/guardians will have one week to complete the survey.

“We understand there is a lot of uncertainty regarding what school will look like in September for students. Please be assured that as we develop plans, our top priorities are the health and safety of Lambton Kent District School Board students and staff. We appreciate the input of parents/guardians to guide our decisions for the 2020-2021 school year. We remain committed to supporting a safe and positive transition to school in September that promotes students' success and well-being," said John Howitt, Director of Education for Lambton Kent District School Board.

As per directions from the Ministry of Education, like all publicly funded school boards, LKDSB has developed plans for three possible scenarios:

  • A return to regular, in-class learning with enhanced health and safety protocols;
  • An adaptive model, including a modified school day routine with a maximum limit of 15 students in a typical classroom at one time, with alternate day scheduling and timetabling that would limit student contact with teachers and classmates as much as possible; and
  • A continuation of remote, teacher-led at-home learning.

The LKDSB will be prepared to respond to changes, as necessary, throughout the 2020-2021 school year based on directions from the Ministry and provincial and local Medical Officers of Health.

Visit the LKDSB website at for additional information.

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For additional information contact:
Jane Bryce, Chair of the Board, 519-899-2619
John Howitt, Director of Education, 519-336-1500, Ext 31297

For reference information contact:
Heather Hughes, Public Relations Officer, 519-336-1500, Ext. 31262
July 30, 2020


John McGregor Secondary School
300 Cecile Ave, Chatham, ON, N7M 2C6
Principal: Tiffany Cadotte
Vice Principal: Derek Quigley
Vice Principal: Todd Wood
Bus Zone: 7, 8BUS STATUS

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