During the first week of November, Grade 9 students typically participate in Take Our Kids to Work Day, which is an opportunity for students to accompany a parent, relative or community volunteer to work to observe workplace skills and consider career possibilities. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and in order to maintain student cohorts and to support contact tracing, Take Our Kids to Work Day will be held virtually on Wednesday, November 4, 2020.
The Lambton Kent District School Board values the employer support and community engagement Take Our Kids to Work Day provides students, and we plan to honour Take Our Kids to Work Day by dedicating a portion of the day to career exploration for all Grade 9 classes.
Important note: Due to the quadmester format, students cover approximately one week of lessons per full day of school, which makes participation in a full-day event challenging. Regular school attendance will be expected on Wednesday, November 4 for Grade 9 students. Any students absent for employer-led activities must complete the missed regular coursework and parents/guardians must report the students’ absence as per the typical process.
Throughout the school year, LKDSB invites community partners to engage with schools to provide career exploration and information sessions. If you are interested in partnering with the LKDSB to provide virtual opportunities for student engagement during the 2020-2021 school year, please contact pathways@lkdsb.com.
Should you have any further questions, please contact the school.