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Brooke Central Public School students to be temporarily relocated due to school renovations

November 18, 2022

​​Dear parents/guardians:

In preparation for routine summer roof maintenance at Brooke Central Public School, the architect and structural engineer involved in developing the tender for the project have assessed and identified significant concerns about the existing roof. The school is currently safe for occupation; however, there are concerns with the integrity of the roof to withstand significant snow accumulation as it does not meet current design load standards, specifically snow accumulation of more than 12 inches in the sections of the building completed in 1960 and 1967. While the school roof has not had any structural failures since these sections were built, the architect and structural engineer are recommending immediate reinforcement to the roof. Read a copy of the report.

The architect and structural engineer confirmed the building is safe for occupancy with little to no snow accumulation; however, the levels of snow fall in a typical Alvinston winter are of concern, especially a large dumping of snow in a short period of time. We are continuing to monitor the weather forecast daily and as we wait for plans from the architects to be finalized, the school's roof will be monitored and checked by a roofing company after any accumulating snow events to ensure that no snow is allowed to accumulate on the roof of this school. 

As a precaution to ensure student and staff safety, we are making plans to support the temporary transition of students to alternate school locations during the completion of the structural upgrades to the roof.

Please be assured that student and staff safety are a top priority for the Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB). The architect and structural engineer have advised the LKDSB regarding appropriate weight loads on the roof to safely continue operation of school at the site until we have implemented a relocation plan during the roof renovations.

Effective Monday, November 21, 2022, students will transition to remote, asynchronous teacher-led learning. From Wednesday, November 23, 2022 to Tuesday, November 29, 2022, students will engage in synchronous remote teacher-led learning.

It is expected the temporary relocation of students to alternative school sites will occur on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 while the space is being readied to welcome Brooke Central Public School students and staff back to the site and the structural upgrades to the roof are completed. The LKDSB is working on projected timelines, but it is anticipated to be completed in early 2023.

Families are invited to visit the school on Monday, November 21 and Tuesday, November 22 to pick up students' personal belongings.

We are committed to providing families with as much notice as possible regarding the transitions. LKDSB is in process of developing plans to temporarily relocate Brooke Central Public School into neighbouring schools which have sufficient space.  Specific details of this relocation will be shared shortly, but in brief it is the intent to keep students together with their current classroom teacher. Bussing will continue to be provided and Brooke Central students and staff will return to the school once the structural upgrades to the roof are complete, which will begin as soon as possible.

The attached child care facility was built more recently than the main building. Out of an abundance of caution, we are having the structural engineer conduct a study on that space immediately and anticipate results next week.  Until the board receives the structural engineering report on the child care roof, this section of the building will also be monitored and checked by the roofing company after any accumulating snow events to ensure that no snow is allowed to accumulate on the roof.

We understand this may cause some concerns for families and we are committed to supporting students through a positive transition. We are focused on mitigating any impacts this may have on student learning. Please note that mental health and well-being supports are available for students to assist with this temporary transition.

Please contact the school should you have any further questions about your child. We are planning an open house meeting on Monday, November 21 at 6 p.m. at the Brooke-Alvinston-Inwood Community Centre Complex auditorium (3310 Walnut St, Alvinston) to address parent/guardian questions and concerns. More details about the meeting will be shared in the coming days.


John Howitt
Director of Education

Download a copy of Director Howitt's letter to parents/guardians.​


Brooke Central Public School
7989 Brooke Line, Alvinston, ON, N0N 1A0
Principal: Adam Townsend
Bus Zone: 1, 4BUS STATUS

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