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Minister of Education letter to parents/guardians

July 31, 2020

Ontario Minister of Education Stephen Lecce has directed that Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) elementary and secondary schools will reopen in September with a return to full-time, in-class learning with enhanced safety measures.

The province's announcement may be found at this link.

The Minister of Education has issued a letter to parents/guardians regarding the government’s plan for the safe reopening of schools in September. Read the letter here: English version/French version​

The plan for the LKDSB's September 2020 school re-entry will provide a safe launch to the upcoming school year and reduce the opportunities for transmission of COVID-19. The plans incorporate the most current information from the Ontario Ministry of Education, Public Health, consultation with LKDSB educators and education workers, and our communities.

Additional information about LKDSB's plans for the 2020-2021 school year, including Return to School Frequently Asked Questions for elementary and secondary parents/guardians and students, is available on the 2020-2021 School Year website. Please note: These plans are not confirmed. Final plans will be shared the week of August 10, 2020.

Continue to visit the LKDSB website (​) for the most up-to-date information.


Blenheim District High School
163 Chatham St South, PO Box 990, Blenheim, ON, N0P 1A0
Principal: Elsa Natvik

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