On February 22, 2022, the Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) recognizes National Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Canada. This day is intended to increase awareness and education, and encourage action to address human trafficking in Canada.
Locally, the LKDSB and the Government of Ontario are committed to keeping students safe and supporting healthy communities. Together, we work with parents/guardians and caregivers, as well as community partners to ensure student safety and increase education and awareness about inappropriate behaviours.
Due to almost daily contact with students, teachers and other education staff are well placed to educate on prevention and promote healthy relationships, notice troubling changes in behaviour, and connect with students as caring adults.
As outlined in PPM 166 – Keeping Students Safe: School Board Anti-Sex Trafficking Protocols, “sex trafficking is a form of sexual exploitation and is a crime under the Criminal Code of Canada. It can include recruiting, harbouring, transporting, obtaining or providing a person for the purpose of sex. It involves the use of force, physical or psychological coercion or deception. Most individuals who are trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation are women and girls, but all people may be targeted."
A draft copy of LKDSB's Keeping Students Safe: Anti-Sex Trafficking Protocol is available on the LKDSB website here. Note: This is a draft version of the protocol, which is under review in consultation with community partners.
LKDSB has established a process for reporting concerns for a student who may be being trafficked. This information may be shared with school staff, police, or the Children's Aid Society in order to ensure the safety and well-being of the student.
Visit the LKDSB website to learn how we are committed to Keeping Students Safe.
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