School Climate Survey

The Ontario Ministry of Education asks all school boards in Ontario to conduct an anonymous school climate survey on a regular basis so boards of education can help schools:

  • Assess perceptions of safety, mental health, and well-being – from students, parents, and school staff. 

  • Make informed planning decisions about programs to help prevent bullying and promote safe and inclusive schools. 

  • Determine the effectiveness of their programs on an ongoing basis.

  • Build and sustain a positive school climate. 

  • Continue to build parent voice/participation in survey. 

The Lambton Kent District School Board is required to conduct a school climate survey of students, school staff and parents at least once every two years as they all play a key role in contributing to a positive school climate. We are requesting that you, as a parent/guardian of LKDSB student(s) go to your child's school website or the Lambton Kent District School website and follow the School Climate Survey link to help us build and sustain a positive school climate within your school community.

Please note that the results of these surveys will be used by our Safe Schools team, as well as by the Lambton Kent District School Board, and all feedback collected will remain anonymous and confidential. ​