Programs & Activities
Student programs are developed to build relationships with others while trying to reach a specific goal or challenge. Through these programs each student will receive the support of their peers in a positive manner and gain a sense of self-confidence and pride in their achievements. We encourage students to get involved!
House Colour Teams - All students and staff are a member of a Colour House Team: Blue Smurfs, Red Bulls, Yellow Hornets, Green Grasshoppers. Throughout the year, Colour House teams earn friendly points while participating in Spirit Days, including Colour House shirt days, Terry Fox, and Walk for Wenjack to name a few. Colour House teams include a mix of students from JK all the way the Grade 8, which allows them to build a stronger sense of community.
Lego Club - For students in JK to Grade 3. This club provides students with an opportunity to be creative in building with Lego.
Student Leadership Club - For students in Grades 6, 7 and 8. This club provides students with leadership roles in organizing and running events and activities, such as monthly assemblies and Colour House events, for the student body throughout the school year.
Video Announcement Team (VAT) - For students in Grades 6, 7 and 8. Students create content and slides for our Video Announcements that are viewed in the mornings daily, by each classroom.
Games Club - For students in Grades 4 - 8. Students collaborate, playing different board games or puzzles.
Cross Country - Grades 4 - 8
2-Pitch - Grades 7-8
Volleyball - Grades 7-8
Basketball - Grades 7 - 8
Soccer - Grades 7 - 8
Track and Field - Grades 4-8