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Lambton Kent District School Board
Every Student, Every Day
News Item

Wishing students and families a safe and happy summer

June 28, 2022


As we come to the end of June, we wish students and families a safe and happy summer break. Thank you for your understanding and kindness toward each other and to staff during another non-traditional school year. We are proud of the efforts of our staff this past year to support students and we look forward to starting the next school year with a renewed focus on our Strategic Priorities and supporting student success and well-being.

The summer months will be used to continue our focus on students, as staff deliver summer learning activities, offer mental health and well-being supports for students, focus on capital work to improve facilities and ready our schools and systems for the new year.

Looking forward, LKDSB is planning for a regular startup to the next school year. We are already familiar with COVID-19 protocols should it be necessary to implement them. Our planning is focused on starting the school year assuming cross-cohort gatherings (including visitors and volunteers) will be permitted and returning to typical processes.

Have a wonderful summer! We look forward to welcoming students back to school in September.