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Lakeroad Public School
School Council

Mission Statement

The Lakeroad School Council believes in enhancing and promoting the educational experience of our students. We are a collective voice that cares for our school and aims to develop a nurturing environment among students, staff, parents, and community.

Key Contacts

Elections will be held in September for any position left vacant by out-going members or those choosing not to resume a position currently held.

Parent Volunteers Needed

Dear New Parents;
On behalf of the Lakeroad Public School Council, WELCOME!

By enrolling your child in Lakeroad Public School, you have become a part of a very proud family. We are a school community like no other - we're proud, we're proactive and we're cohesive.

The Lakeroad School Council is comprised of parents who wish to be involved in their child's or children's school so that they can help ensure the most positive learning environment possible for their family. We all play an important part in our children's education.

Our Council meets a minimum of 4 times throughout the school year, along with our Principal, a teacher, and at least 2 student representatives, to discuss issues concerning our school community. At times, we may communicate with the Lambton Kent District School Board to effect changes we feel necessary to improve the quality of learning in our school. We often have guest speakers who visit to inform us on issues affecting our children - bullying, smoking & drug awareness, child safety and healthy habits to name a few.

We would like to take this opportunity to ask you to consider becoming involved on our School Council for this school year.

All of our parents on Council are volunteers, some of who may also volunteer in other areas of the school, for example: fundraising, milk programs, book fairs, band and sports. As a Council member, you are not required to commit to volunteering in any other area, nor will you be pressured to participate in anything you don't wish to. You are only required to come out to at least 3 meetings and offer input during our discussions.

Many of our Council members have been involved for several years, as their children progress through the grades, and we are all proud to be a part of making things happen at Lakeroad.

Everyone is welcome at Council meetings so please come out, listen, and see if being a Council member is right for you.

We're looking forward to meeting you!

Lakeroad School Council


Lakeroad Public School
955 Lakeshore Rd, Sarnia, ON, N7V 2V3
Principal: Carole Wettergreen

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